The Beginning
In the beginning were lustrous flowers
Teeming in noon and nocturnal bowers;
And first blush sunrise on bright blue sky,
And the dreaming groves set to fructify.
In the beginning was the joy of living,
When nature's bounty was always giving;
And the nights were full of stars,
And a much clearer view of Mars.
In the beginning were the rites,
Of brighter days and darker nights;
When all of nature was so rogue,
And abundant blossoms were in vogue!
In the beginning God had a plan
To oversee the destiny of every human,
And Adam and Eve began our family tree--
A fair walk into all eternity!
In the beginning there was song--
Birds sang the whole day long!
And exotic nature free and wild,
The senses were constantly beguiled!
In the beginning magic was there;
In the beginning, vanity fair!
In the beginning, light from above;
In the beginning, there was love!