The Beloved
If ever time would let me hold
but for a moment-one day
where any dream can still unfold
and change the course of yesterday
I'd search so many years ago
submit to you alone
No where in time I'd let you go
No place in time I'd roam
If everlasting was held there
and that day measured infinity
today my sins would not appear
for I'd have earned eternity
But Lord you hold a water's mist
that it should never touch the ground
You have ensured that I exist
for by grace my sins aren't found
As memories of my hope in you
awake my heart to strive
Your Spirit fills with light from you
and I once dead am now alive
For yesterday is history
but today I'm in your hand
My tomorrows aren't a mystery
for you've re-shaped me with your plan
So that now forgiven, I do dare
to claim my rights foretold
I am beloved..I am aware
that you have restored my soul
Behold! Within my heart flows tears
for your mercy towards me
Your glory, treasure that I bear
will lead beyond the crystal sea
Lord you have joined two worlds apart
This truth you came to give..
that man with you in his own heart
can be worthily called "Beloved"..