The Beloved's Quilt
you who seek the secret of existence
your life is a thread in the Beloved's grand design.
Each moment a stitch each breath a color divine.
Do you see
how rain and sun kiss the earth?
Like morning dew they are one in the eyes of the Friend.
Embrace both
for in their unity duality ends.
You are the pulse of a seed sprouting through the stone.
In your veins flows the ancient wisdom of the soil.
In love's alchemy the seeker becomes the sought.
Feel how the wind of spirit shapes you
now bending like a reed now standing as a cypress.
In surrender find the strength that never wavers.
The heart's fire burns away all that is not love.
Desire, like wild winds, seeks its way to the sacred fire
in consuming they become the light they seek.
Each thread of your being sings the Beloved's name.
Listen closely can you hear the melody of oneness?
In that song
you'll find your true existence.
The fabric of your days shimmers with divine light:
Golden Joy. Silver Sorrow... all are His gifts.
In accepting all
you become... His perfect reflection.
O lover do not ask why some paths are sharp as thorns
and others soft as the dawn's first breath.
The Master Weaver's wisdom surpasses all understanding.
Let yourself dissolve in love's infinite sea.
You are both the wave and the ocean's depths.
In annihilation, find your eternal completion...
Beloved you are the quilt and the quilter
the song and the singer,
the dance and the dancer.
In this realization all separation ceases.
Now step into the garden of the heart—
where every seed sprouts with the faces of our Friends.
Here in agape love's transcendence
you will find your journey's end.