They write poems for fun and not for fame- greeting card dribble just isn’t their game. Some write in earnest and some write in jest, but whatever they write they do their best- to avoid Soap themes and worn out clichés, and the trite expressions some might praise. Poems of substance are their best fare- while those written in jest are fun to share. Metaphors it would seem always connect, and their symbolisms too are usually direct. Clichéd sentiments they prefer to let rest, even though some readers prefer them best. They can write formal verse or in free style- iambic pentameter too if it makes one smile. They can write erotic verse of sweet love, without resorting to vulgarities for the above. They can also voice anger and disdain, but need be neither obscene nor profane. How many read their writes is of no concern, it’s the poems they read from which they learn. Some experiment much with what they write, even if scarce others it seems to excite. Diverse forms of poetic expression- from all they try to derive a lesson.