The Big Bang Theory
From far reaches of the ether, into the heart of this Earth.
Into the stoic life of this Being, you brought such mirth.
Knowing, touching, enjoying with such pleasure
an exotic, mysterious, beautiful Oriental Treasure,
was like being an Electron, surrounding you - Nucleus,
hoping time, adventures, intimacies would create an us,
we could be as one in this world so short on time.
For a short while, my world was sublime.
I was a part of you - Atom.
Like Eve, and Adam.
The atom has split,
it's magnificent energy,
it's beautiful essence,
all vaporized.
The Bing Bang
and all is destined - back to the ether,
darkened void of outer and inner space
where change and evolution will, for you,
create another universe and things new,
while I will be left, wondering what to do?,
as, your dreams, you continue to chase.
Dreams of, and you, it seems, I will have neither.
B. J. "A" 2
May 15th 2011