The Blessing of You
The Blessing of You
By Rick Rucker
I have been lucky all my life,
I had fun, with little strife,
Then, not that long ago, things turned for the worse,
Still, I did not think it a curse,
Just a change, a new view,
To prepare me for the Blessing of You,
From the time that we first met,
I had the overwhelming feeling of Kismet!
That you are the person meant for me,
That, in love with you, I shall ever be!
I doubt that there are others still,
That could provide me with the thrill,
That seeing You does provide,
That fills me with warmth and calm inside,
I have not the tools to convey,
Nor the words to say,
That could let You see,
The Wonder that You are to me,
I cannot think of what I might have done,
That would earn me the right to be with the One,
That is so perfect in every way,
But I shall try, every day,
To deserve that place,
So close that I can study that face,
That does make my Heart skip a beat,
That does make my life complete!