Love Poem: The Blink of An Eye
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Written by: Johnny Rhinem

The Blink of An Eye

The chances that we get ~

You never know when they'll end?

In the blink of an eye

Your or them, and then....

Why is it so hard to see

So hard to be?

Awaken, from your dreams!

The hardest of hearts, is the hardest of all

A chain, a chain and a ball

Deeper and deeper and deeper, you fall....

Days turn to years and years disappear

And never again ~

Chances that we get; people that we've known

The loves, the lives, your very own

Here, then gone, and what

Saying goodbye....

Why, is it so hard to see

So hard to be, free to see?!

In the blink of an eye


....“Awaken, From Your Sleep” ~

                                         "A Prophecy Fulfilled"
Approaching a ten year anniversary wherein the Angel of this The Lord....
Stood behind these curtains afore an infant adorned, in filthy rags their life

                                          ...."In Progress." *