The Bliss of Winter
Will you walk out in the snow with me?
As the icy cold winds blow through your hair and cuts the skin
The red rose colour of your cheeks covers your face,
I walk with you and wish this feeling of love will never go away.
Will you dance out in the snow with me?
As I hold you in my arms and sing the sweet lullabies of life in your ear
The snow swirls around us in a frenzy of flutters,
I dance with you and wish this feeling of hope will never leave.
Will you lay out in the snow with me?
As I turn my head and look into the smile that brought joy to my life
I shed a tear for all the sadness you’ve taken away,
I lay with you and wish this feeling of peace will never end.
Will you make love out in the snow with me?
As I gaze onto the beauty of your being and wash away the hate of sin
We move together in the motions of life that bind us,
I make love with you and wish this feeling of bliss will last