The Boatman's Song 18/ Many
The Boatman’s Song 18/Many
As soon as, his song was over and the boatman
Came near the place,
Where Urveshi was standing on that silver moonlight sand
He tried to get convinced, if it was his love the Princess?
Who had promised him to come very soon,
Before he could ask any thing from her
Urveshi uttered, in her most soothing and beautiful voice,
“O boatman, I am not the Princess whom you love
I have come here from heaven, to hear your songs
Your love the Princess YogMaya, is not safe in her kingdom
As his step Uncle is trying to capture her kingdom
By killing the King and even the Princess you love”
The Princess came to know, all about his treachery
When she came here with her aged father the King,
She could not tell you all that, due to sudden arrival
Of that treacherous Uncle and his father knowing nothing
When she met you here,
On the bank of river Ganges,
She wanted to tell many things to you
She could not come, to see and meet you so far
As her palace is in the grip of her Uncle and his conspiracies
Plotted by him to soon kill the king and the Princess
Her life also is in dangers, till she faces these conspiracies
Although your love is a lady of high ventures
She possess tremendous strengths in her body and mind
With her expertise in fighting, with sword like lightening
But alone she can not end such men of treacheries
The boatman gazed her altogether with a surprise
How an Apsara like a beautiful woman, is telling me all the story
As if, she also was here and knows everything
Happened that day, when he had met the Princess
He thought for a moment and questioned himself
“Is she a friend or a Guptacher* of his kingdom,
Or someone from heaven, who only could know everything
And has come as a blessing of God for him?”
The boatman saw her a little more deeply and thought
That in beauty and looks, she may even surpass
The best of any artist’s imagination
As she appears to be much above the word beauty
But why and how she knows everything about him
And even about his love, whom he had seen
Only for few moments,
Ravindra to continue……
Kanpur India 20th January 2010
* Apsara (A Nymph dancer of heaven as per Hindu Mythology
* Urveshi (One of the beloved Apsaras of Indra
* YogMaya. Name of the beloved Princess of the Boatman.
* Guptacher A Hindi word meaning spy