It's Not You It's Me Actually in Truth That's a Small White Lie I have been cheating on you For a While now Having Passionate Sex With another Guy And i have been thinking it over for a while now And i Think Yes We Should Break - Up BAM SLAM There it Is Signed , Sealed , Delivered Love's Equivalent of an Imploding Suicide Vest Destination 1 Single Victim SLAM You have been Served Once upon a time Smitten Planning a Wedding Fitting To being , Reduced to Tears before Bed And obsessing over what you actually Did Wrong Or Could have done or said Instead To make her stay Or Love you Back And when good intentioned Friends and Random People Quote the Recently Dumped Break-Up Bible Stating there are Plenty More Fish in the Sea Remember this Slam It's also 2 choc full of Sharks & Predators Like the 1 that just Dumped You Rather look at this from a different Perspective Using another age old fishing analogy Given enough Time You will never ever Say She was a Keeper Or Be Refered to as The 1 that Got Away More like the Wrong Shoes Or Wrong tool for the Job Thank God