Love Poem: The Bride To Future Groom
Anisha Dutta Avatar
Written by: Anisha Dutta

The Bride To Future Groom


                   Welcome to my life! Most intimate!
                   Schoolmate turning soulmate.
                   To start best chapter on unison,
                    Delighted with love and devotion.
                    Each dawn to be brightened by your light
                   Sweet dream of love on every night.
                   My joy to be flooded with your charms.
                  My grief to be smoothened in your arms     
                  Wedlock ascertain great commitment.
                  On joint journey, never to repent.
                  Whatever comes in conjugal life,
                   We are together in every strife.
                   Praying for healthy active life, overcoming strain,
                   Enjoying children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren
                The Bride To Future Groom Contest by Shadow Hamilton 
   Fourth Place