The Bridge
O! I must walk the hidden span
That Generously embraces ‘Here’ and ‘There’,
And it is made of Glass, of Glass Impermanent.
My very misted breath, exhaled, is not enough
To show it visible
To show a way
Across the dark expanse
Of frozen night…
So, I must feel my way by barefoot steps,
And hope I do not step off it
It stretches from the Time I spent with You, My Love,
Unto the Time, interminable, I spend with me.
Sometimes, to urge me on, a Cracow Man
Who broke a tiny corner of the Iron Curtain
And slipped through
A Survivor born, born after, in Germany
A fair cousin beats back the dark
(She cared for me, when I was numb
and all the other tongues were dumb
for what to say)
And bright Irene who loves,
And cannot wait for Spring
With broken porcelain, sea sand, coins and sparkling moondust,
They show the way, spread these
Outline the Glass
But I must pass
My test with God's Bright Ray
(And I can scarcely find the Lamp
Within myself
To turn it on –
The switch, I fumble…)
But, Now!
Back to Hope in a breath!
Beyond the End of the Bridge the Night is glowing Midnight Blue
The Stars like Quasars, sing!
Elysium Lights my Way!
And You are there… and You are there…
And soon, it will be Day!