Love Poem: The Broken Heart and Last Desperate Plea
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Written by: Robert Lindley

The Broken Heart and Last Desperate Plea

The Broken Heart And Last Desperate Plea

 This broken heart lays in bitter moonlight
 evidence of a great tragedy that cold night
 Yes, I had fallen for her sexy, devilish charms
 swept her so deeply into my cheating arms

 Next morning guilt began to feed, eat into me
 for only then your sweet face did I start to see
 Pain burst into this miserable cheating heart
 I had broke the vow we made on our loving start

 Now I sit in a lonely dark cave I foolishly made
 a fool that she used, ever so gleefully played
 I told you my sin attempting to wash it away
 sadly, you told me to get out and forever stay

 My soul is now a casted away, derailed train
 my greatest regret is causing you such pain
 Forgive this miserable and demolished fool
 I was a liar and such an arrogantly stupid tool

 Search your sweet heart for the kindness there
 remember the good times and love we did share
 I beg you with remorse and down on bended knees
 hear my lament and my sincere remorseful pleas

 The trap that the devil cleverly laid for me
 was a cage with many locks but no saving keys
 Mercy I beg my lady that once loved this clown
 I have no smiles, my face wears an eternal frown

 Forgive me dearest, wipe away your bitter wrath
 allow me to walk with you on that romantic path
 My broken heart and soul is yours to now save
 Renew this great love that we both forever crave

 This lesson I have just in deepest misery learned
 nothing is worse than finding my love for you spurned
 Save me, I am nothing without you to love and hold 
 This dark cavern is deep, lonely and so very cold 

 Robert J. Lindley, 03-11-2015

 Note- A writer's imagination, not based upon any current or recent 
 event in my life! Although I once should have written something similar to this to a lady but was just too damn prideful to do so. Live and learn..