The Brown Phoenix
Doubly twisted
Hating thine existence
tremors of a neurotic hand
Violent and bitter
Consumed by Ashen sands
Like the phoenix
I’m reborn
Undoubtedly divine
My wings transform to arms
My beak into lips
I walk amongst the giants of the land
Hands stretch outwards towards yours
Like a Superman in Clark Kent’s clothes
Impervious to all of those
The symphony in my mind
Plays a single tune
A song for you
An epic poem
Written in blood and tears
trees of Agave
fire of fronto leaves
Harmonious souls
Drenched in sun beams
Naked and alone
Devoid of fear or apprehension
Sliding through the worm holes
Oblivious to space and time
tears of my heart
Bleed perpetually
A wound without an end
An infinite unfinished symphony