The Bubble Bursts Noiselessly
as pain within swells
to a heightened level
origin belied expectation
of null love reciprocation
such contortions tainted
delusions self anointed
do not stay with us long
as we sing the love song
reverberations of our soul
keeping us joyful & whole
birthing a throb continuous
manifesting bliss fortuitous
as a current ever present
within our heart resident
as soundless bliss ignition
ecstasy defying delineation
being our native element
divine entwined alignment
thus getting to stabilisation
rapid bliss hum restoration
stuporous thoughts rested
with ego delusion arrested
the flame of joy ever alive
to the beat to which we jive
acceptance ceasing to size
recognition where we realise
that each turbid movement
depends upon attachment
to nurture its life illusionary
viewed in stillness sedentary
from the centreless fulcrum
of our awareness sensorium
the play of life thus enacted
finding we have not reacted
unfed by us the source bursts
whilst we as a mist yet thirst
for love