The Bulldog Goes Off To College
Childhood's false forever
Has met its end, ephemeral as it once began,
And this fresh adult now stolen into our lives while we weren't looking
Now directs the actors and sets the stage
For her curtain call.
She knows not yet what audience awaits
On that curtain's further side;
But be they friend or foe, ally or adversary
She means to wow them all
With the perfect performance she asks of herself.
Nothing less will do.
The world turns on in its careless way,
One day ends in another's beginning,
Sunset chases sunrise
Marching between eternity's open gates
And each is given their little space to take the stage
And shine against the pressing dark.
In my head a little girl runs laughing towards the sunset.
I turn, and a young woman returns, trailing the sunrise.
We turn together, and we play out our parts
And with every turn
I love her all the more.