The Candle
We take in this beautiful candle of life.
Within this sacred moment it becomes our sight.
Though the darkness of fear surrounds our souls.
We light this life-giving candle to make us whole.
What is this candle of life we wonder?
Is it a waxed symbol of our hearts, we ponder?
Yes, we light this candle we hold.
It brings us hope and life as foretold.
But wait, another candle begins to catch on fire.
It’s the candle of our hearts in love with pure desire.
Staring at each other, we became one with hearts light.
Sharing all we have only makes everyone’s heart flame brightly.
We are one, We are Love.
It’s a gift from our father above.
It’s not the candle we hold, but our hearts candle we share.
We are one light of pure love for we do care.