The Cat House
I know a place where cats enjoy long life,
where human intervention is tolerated,
where only cats are allowed
It is where they rule, decide their fate,
to go hunting or sleep late,
prowl their border, look for a mate,
food abundant, early or late,
no need for a snack with an always full plate
Non-skid litter lines their bathroom floor,
ideal for completing their daily chore,
no need for flushing, gets covered instead,
when it reaches its peak, mysteriously disappears,
automatically replenished,
a new floor every other day or more
When night time falls they are free to prowl,
crouching tigers one and all,
waiting to pounce at the slightest noise,
or attack a shadow suddenly appearing on a wall,
their prey, rarely actually exists,
makes no difference,
prowling is not something they would ever miss,
immediately after a good prowl,
onto their bed, a good stretch,
sleep away until daylight
Come first light their tummy signals its time to eat,
they check out their food bowl,
if stale,
it is time for humans to wake
Hunger sated, find a sunbeam to bask and wait,
awaiting a signal, to do whatever their mind dictates
Ah, such a place is the mind of a cat,
from where they rule and dictate,
how we humans who love them,
make their life great