The Catch and the Tremble
Lady dearest, fair Romeo, is this the name
the title you wish to bestow upon me
or is it one shared among multiple hearts shot at by multiple nets
I ask only in truth, in search of truth, in confidence
for I know you dare not tread the line to lie to me
Dearest Lady, fair Scarlett, I choose this title among others
for you are the dearest one to me
and if you dare catch my honesty as false
here, let me bare my chest so you may pierce it through
No, no need love to go through the extreme
only indulge me sweet prince and answer these inquiries
Romeo, dear Romeo, do I resonate within you?
My Scarlett, you should know by now, realize by now
you resonate more than I dare to share
you are unattainable yet you have attained my attention
a dream you are, a dream come true hazel princess
Your compliments are grand nor can I deny I'm flustered
but flattery will not ease my mind
so tell me, 'dear hero', am I the catch in your breath
or the tremble upon your lips?
Heroine, you are the catch in my breath upon trembling lips
whispering your name to starry nights, craving your kiss
so indulge an inquiry of my own:
Have I answered your intricate questions with satisfying responses
or must I convince you more of the love I shower upon you
Convince me if you can, convince me if you please
but riddle me this
do I rest within your thoughts and dreams
or do I only brush against the seams of your tattered heart
quaking your very rhythm darling
and is it me, a sigh beneath the moon
with my imprint scarred upon your flesh my love
as my fingers trace the etching of you every night
Brush? No, my dear, you are the first aid kit in my thoughts
the glue in my dreams, the queen of hearts in my slumber
stitching up the frayed seams of my tattered heart
Allow me another question to ask
do you cascade into silence as my heavy voice lulls you to sleep
as I sigh to the moon whom always keeps me an arms reach
away from you
so here, place your imprint upon me if you dare I won't care
just as long as you don't mind me saying I'm yours
Dear Scarlett, is this all you ask of me?
Dear Scarlett, it's true, all I want is you.
Scarlett, is this it or is there something else you ask of me?
And in a split second, my heart dropped two feet when she...
Romeo, there is one more thing you can do...die for me...
in swift succession I bore his chest and pierced it through
in swift succession she bare my chest and pierced it through
My eyes, my vision, they were becoming faint
and I panicked as my fingers turned from ghostly white to red
Romeo, she shouts as I struggle to stand
Romeo, she screams, I didn't mean for you to die on me literally
you are my hero, your heart made of gold
though tattered and broken, I believed you invincible
Scarlett, he said through coughs and weakness
Scarlett, he said as he fell to one knee crying
Scarlett, you are the world to me
and in truth you're the second I've died for
please Scarlett, don't protest, let me speak
Scarlett, he said as he pulled me in for embrace
Scarlett, I'd rather die by your hand
than be without you forever
Scarlett, though my time has come and my chest broken
my heart will stay yours always
The last words to part his lips as he fell from the world
I love you my queen...tell them my story
His story, my story, our story means
don't fall for her, don't fall for him and
treat him like a liar, take her for granted
Make her feel like a queen, let him be your hero
and if you give her your heart, die for her figuratively
and if you give him your heart, make him promise to not let you