Love Poem: The Cave
Max Horton Avatar
Written by: Max Horton

The Cave

She wanders through the cave
Caressing its walls with a slender finger
Cautiously, she treads 
With attention to every detail
Every stalactite,
Every blemish,
Every twist and turn,
Effortlessly inscribed in her mind. 

It feels her there
Inside its walls
Exploring all its corridors. 
It welcomed her
Guided her down its myriad alleys
Exposing both the good and the bad. 

It is amazed by her;
Every move reveals
Her ever-sophisticated mind: the pinnacle of human thought
Her creativity: it had never seen so many novel ideas and concepts from one brain. 

She’s frightening 
So intelligent, and so beautiful
Brighter than its most brilliant gemstones

She slowly makes it her home
Residing in its vivid green  chamber
She writes her words upon its walls 
Adorning them with the distinct marks of her heart

It has grown used to her
Accustomed to her 
But there are still many parts of her soul that remain unknown. 

It is terrified
Terrified at the thought of her ever leaving 
It wants so badly to simply remain with her for eternity. 

But eternity is a lot to ask for. 

So, it pushes away such negative ideas, realizing that it can only do anything to affect right now, not the future. 
It cherishes every moment with her
And for as long as she is its
And it is hers
Its mind is in peaceful bliss,
And there is nothing more in the world that it could ever want.