Love Poem: The Center of the Catacombs
Raul Moreno Avatar
Written by: Raul Moreno

The Center of the Catacombs

I say to you lets take a chill...and simply talk.
Let’s start heading across the rocks...and go beneath the streets of Rome.
Let us take a break from our feet...down a path right beneath quaint streets,
This is the place where all roads meet...where I’m meaner than Al Capone,
And I could simply make this easy...but your mind will not be blown.
		You’ll never see your children grown.

For I thought you was my best friend, but for now you will face your end,
You’re heading there out of your no love...or cell-phones.
You’ll dwell in torment forever, birds of feather flock together, 
In this hall there is no weather, the only echoes are your own, 
You’ll rot in disgust and your shameful heart will always be alone.
		My love for you...I will condone. 

With such greed life karma prevails...and in darkness your bones’ll dwell.
Doesn’t matter how loud you one will hear that high pitched tone.
I vent all of my frustrations...without any hesitations,
After my retaliation...of this sweet revenge I will prone.
After kicking you in the face...what’s it bodily foam..?
		So un-brick the bricks to the dome!

And I don’t care if your legs hurt...for this is how you made it work,
You built your tomb under a church...right beneath its’ big golden throne.
Now behind the mortar you cry...and no one can bade their goodbyes.
My used to smile so wise...who smiles now as the other moans..?
You love what you can’t’m done...revenge has proudly shone.
	  	You’ll die behind the wall of stone.

All of your hate and buried with greed and envy,
You’ll fade from earth as unworthy...right beneath other dried up bones.
Here’s my remorse...wait a minute...clear my nose...on the wall I spit,
Your ego fits nicely here...I’m starting to like your new home.
I’ll let you be with a marker...that I have engraved out of chrome.
                                “The center of the catacombs”.

The form is Trochaic Octameter
Iambic pentameter serves as the substitute.