Love Poem: The Chance Given

The Chance Given

The Chance Given

T ~ here then and forever after since they touched the miracle of love and

H ~ ope when her heart and soul crossed his path out of nowhere as passionate

E ~ ssence in miraculous wonderment sealed a union beyond the wildest dreams

C ~ hange they did and for the better when her moon scooped his spoon

H ~ is poetry and hers thus theirs conjoined mooned scoops in steady flow

A ~ nticipation certainty absolved it’s wicked suicidal darkness revolted into

N ~ ights enlightened days and moments paused in bliss from stagnant gloom

C ~ aressed and feathered by the Universe’s shine and guidance seemingly

E ~ ternal infinite impermanent however yet so real ever so trusting truthfully

G ~ iven taken regardless whether co-incidence God-incidence pure chance

I ~ gnited compassion’s kindness loving change and meaning they solemnly 

V ~ owed to exchange the void so previously endowed with loneliness and to 

E ~ scape their shadows elope together sneak away and towards together

N ~ ever in a million moments to be scared and scarred again and happy

25th October 2016