The Charming Bachelor
Look now here he comes
Taking a strole through the slumbs
He is alone in the garden of flowers
Using the moons enchanting powers
Ending all contact with most ladies
For his heart was broken in the cities
A girl who was to be his wife
Cheated and caused all his strife
With a man of unknowing stature
Tall dark with eminent structure
Every night he excuses haunting dreams
Among the gardens beauty and light streams
He left the fiance' in his mansion
Coursing the man of her new passion
She tried furiously to find him after
But his note enclosed this dark chapter
The note brought her to tears
She couldn't find him for years.
But now her search has drawn her near
A beautiful seductress that is his fear
Her spell can no longer hinder my actions
Nothing further can sway my factions
this garden is my final just sanctuary
In hopes she fails and falls to the wary.
If I see her I will not speak
Just bow my head close my eyes and sleep
Closing my ears from her leathal rambles
Her emotions will end in infinite shambles
Her actions I will never forgive
I am ashamed for wanting to live
To feed her flame and her desire
I would go back and try to aspire
For this my heart tells me no more
Casting a shadow over feelings sore
Adjusting to life it seems
Conjuring old wants and dreams.