The Cheater
I gave you my body,
I gave you my soul,
I gave you my heart,
Until we get old.
Your lies and the hiding,
Have all but nearly ruined me,
The lies and the cheating,
The trauma runs through me.
I caught you and caught you,
And you looked me in the eyes,
Saying the same old sad song,
I heard many times.
I’ve cried so much because of you,
I have no tears left to cry,
You’ve burnt and numbed me,
And now I feel dead inside.
My light used to shine bright,
Until I met your dark soul,
And now it sporadically glimmers,
These are the works of a narcist I’m told.
You say you will change,
But nothing gets done,
You continue your ways,
Not caring I’m numb.
You say that you love me,
But that’s not love,
The hurting and stabbing,
The lack of respect that comes.
I ask you to leave,
And to leave me alone.
But your refuse to do so,
Because you have it good at home.
You created insecurities,
That made me be someone I am not.
It took having my 1st born,
To get out of this rut.
I have fears of leaving,
And regretting my choice.
But maybe this lesson,
Will be good for my boys.
I crave peace and freedom,
From your evil, toxic ways,
I want my light to shine brightly,
Again, for days and days.
I ask you dear cheater,
Unlatch from my soul.
I ask you to leave me,
And my loved ones alone.
I am done trying to fix,
Your sick twisted ways.
I am ready to fix,
Myself and get out of this haze.
The future looks bright,
For this light of mine.
I ask you dear universe,
Bring me back to my divine.