The Child
A child lights our way in life...
The greatest gift there is to be.
They suppress our selfish inclinations...
They set our passions free.
They give sense to our mortality.
They put narcissism in its place.
With a child... you're a family
To mark your time and space.
There's nothing more unsettling
Than those who die alone.
it's the instinct of every child
To make a house a home.
They often try our patience.
They find danger everywhere.
A filter for an anxious world
To make better our affairs
As your fading star dims evermore
And partakes a final breath. It's the
Child who keeps the dream alive...
Giving memory to our death.
The End
The Hummingbird
There's nothing like a hummingbird...
Though diminutive in size.
It makes bold of Nature's bounty...
It is wondrous to our eyes.
How does one so frail and small
Confront this world full of dread...
While we who have advantage...
Barely make it out of bed?
The End
The ghosts of my transgressions
Haunt and task me to this day.
They desire to revel in my misery
And content to have their way.
They pursue me like a puppy...
Not ones to make a sound as
They bedevil my fractured spirit
With a weight that holds me down.
The End
No Stone Unturned
Leave no stone unturned...
Make bold of what's to come.
Find a road you wish to travel...
Here the call of distant drums.
Don't fret the destination...
The journey be the thing.
Open your mind to possibilities...
Take in the wonders it will bring.
With adventures to task the senses
And your curiosity to augment.
The path to true enlightenment
Lays on this path you now ferment.
Tell those you pass along the road
To not be idle in their ways...
But embrace the odyssey life provides
Before Death sends them to the grave.
The End
Does hosiery have a Heaven?
Is there somewhere they can go?
Is the afterlife for socks a thing?
Does anybody know?
I have a chest of many drawers
Where my orphan socks abide.
Their mates have disappeared...
Finding somewhere new to hide.
For a time... I blamed myself...
Was it something that I said?
Was my nature too demanding?
Did I task them in their stead?
But on further examination...
And I know this to be true.
It is the hosiery themselves...
Who hold a different view.
Socks are keen and fleet of foot
To flee when chance presents.
They demand a solitary existence...
They will not share the rent.
They vanish not by twos... but one...
Which has led me to believe.
These socks face inner turmoil
Which has nothing to do with me.
I'm not privy to their troubles...
Why they do not get along.
But considering our example...
They are right where they belong.
They make up a house divided...
They would rather be alone.
With irreconcilable differences
To pervert both house and home.
I know nothing of their struggles
As I load another wash.
Knowing before they reach the
Dryer... another sock is lost.
The End
No Urchins Running Wild
My friends... the alarm bell sounds...
You will hear no absent cheering.
Be aware... there are those who care
To flaunt social engineering.
The missions clear... the goals are set
To brainwash every child.
Telling them what to drink and what
To think... no urchins running wild.
There are rules to control the schools...
They follow them to the letter.
No chips... no pop... no tater tots...
All banned to make them better.
They huddle as witches to a cauldron...
Casting forth their hellish net.
Children will receive no merit... if they don't '
'Parrot'... the narrative they have set.
Kids need their space... a few dark spots
To call their very own.
To make their mark... to find that spark
Before their dreams have flown.
Stop your meddling... forget your madness
Because I've got a hunch.
You will find... our greatest minds
Were raised on Cap'n Crunch.
The End