Love Poem: The Church On the Street
Tom Kesting Avatar
Written by: Tom Kesting

The Church On the Street

The Church On The Street is where the action is...
And Andy is involved because he's one of His.

There they can find food and prayer and transformed hearts...
And the love of Jesus draws the needy from many parts.

The willingness to serve has opened many a door...
And many have discovered now what The Church On The
Street is for.

Involvement in the community has made many lives brand new...
And they need prayer and support from people like me and you.

On the streets of out town the words run free and true...
There's a Christian community that really cares about you.

Friendship and acceptance are what we all hunger for...
And at The Church On The Street you'll get a bucket full
when you walk through the door.

The Church On The Street is a community of care...
And you'll never be the same once you visit there.

A hungry stomach or a hungry soul...
Filling both is their goal.
