Love Poem: The Clay
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Written by: Lyric Man

The Clay

A doctor or the lost and found
Can’t heal my heart
Or remove this frown
Find my wondering Muse
When everything’s upside down
Even hands can hurt
On a spinning wheel going round

I need some hope
A scribble in the sand
Sweat in the mud
Someone to understand
The rhyme in the chaos
That I’m more than this lack
See a light in total darkness
Maybe belief can bring me back

Cause all feeling is gone
Has it died or run away
Am I a ghost or still a man
Will love rise again one day
Am I walking to you or nowhere
Can I even ever know it
If there’s beauty in the dirt
Could a poet somehow show it

I need some hope
A scribble in the sand
Sweat in the mud
Someone to understand
The rhyme in the chaos
That I’m more than this lack
See a light in total darkness
Maybe belief can bring me back

Can you feel my wilderness
Without a sound I’m calling you
Tangled thoughts lost in the wind
Are any of them getting through
Taste my echo.. feel my heart
Can you see when I can’t say
Wondering soul.. so far gone
Only the potter remakes the clay
~Lyric Man

Note: This song is philosophical. This guy has been reduced, to what feels like, a clump of worthless clay. But in the right hands, with belief, beauty can come from brokenness. He’s desperate for a poetic potter. For someone to still believe in him when there’s no visible reason to. This song is a shot in the dark, a cry for help from a guy who has lost his way and the belief he can “fix” himself. I think he also visions that romantic scene from the movie, “Ghost” with the guy and gal reshaping the clay on a spinning wheel.