The Cocoon Paradise
They were in their own cocoon
Shut off from the world
Reality could wait
This was all the time they got
They were gonna make the best of it
This was not what either of them expected
They know they should leave it alone
But the need in both of them is too strong
So they lock themselves away in their cocoon
Where it is just them
The rest of the world doesn't matter
This was their world
Where the only thing that mattered
Was the need that kept pulling
Them towards one another
No matter what the cost
This was not what either of them expected
But they were not going to let it go by
No matter if they regretted it
One did and one didnt
Though they know it just happened
It wasnt what either of them expected
The feelings were real at least on one side
The other he could just push them aside
The cocoon paradise
something neither of them expected
and only one of them regretted