Love Poem: The Color of Love
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Written by: Alesia Leach

The Color of Love

red hearts white hearts pink hearts glow
in the dark corners of my mind
a reminder of the love i know
and the love i still seek to find

i’ve seen red hearts in a crimson rose
in the flickering light of a candle’s flame
in the soft blush on my lover’s nose
and the blood my heart calls by name

white hearts are pure and innocent
like snowflakes falling through the night
or a dove’s gentle touch heaven sent
to bring us peace and love’s quiet might

pink hearts are soft and fragile things
they flutter and dance on cupid’s wings
they whisper secrets they make us sing
of young love’s hope and all it brings

but among these hearts one color will blaze
a hue of passion of longing of fire
it burns with the heat of unending days
the color of love and its fierce desire

it is not red or white or pink
but a blending of all bright and bold
it is the color that makes us think
of our true loves still untold

so when you see those hearts aglow
remember this rhyme let its truth unwind
for love is not just what we know
but what we feel deep in our mind