The Colors of Perfection
Infinities have many shapes, a fact few know is true,
A paradox that humbles us, but rarely makes us blue,
Perhaps to God, it all makes sense (or yet delights him too?),
'Old Paradox' is life at all, 'New Paradox' when through!
Consider numbers; they're a friend, the numbers 'Math' calls 'Real,'
And 'Rational' say 'one' thru 'ten,' that have a common feel,
Now some are 'even,' some are 'odd,' the 'even' 'powers of two,'
The 'odd' numbers are infinite (make quite a motley crew),
While 'even' ones (though twice as nice) are infinite as well.
The 'sum of both' is double that of 'odd' or 'even!' Hell!
Infinities! Of different size? The mind begins to roll,
The proof some groups are bigger still? Insanity seems toll!
'Perfection's' colors much the same, depending on the view,
Each one 'beloved' in God's eyes and yet a 'sinner' too,
Small wonder that we get confused, have trouble keeping track,
But 'grok' this truth, 'perfection' also may be what you lack!
Brian Johnston
May 24, 2018
Poet's Notes:
The Colors of Perfection is an attempt to move readers beyond overly simplistic views of reality. The idea is approached by telling the reader first that there are different sizes of infinity (a very non-intuitive idea) and proving a simple case. Then I move on to the concept of perfection and suggest that perfection comes in different colors so that what is perfect to one viewer may not be true for another. I then finish by suggesting that what you consider imperfections might make you perfect to some people!