Love Poem: The Coming Judgement
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

The Coming Judgement

Escaping God's Judgement

Judgement shall begain 
at the house of God/
We shall all face God's "correction rod."

It will begin with the righteous... 
What shall the unsaved do?
They can pray and run... 
where will they run to?

If the righteous are scarcely saved. 
 Where will the ungodly hide?
Every "trick in the world" has already been tried!

It's time to "stop playing games"--
no more "pretending."
This world(as we know it)will soon be ending!

Come before God now... 
Kneel before his throne.
It's only be accepting his son can 
you have an eternal home!

You can try fooling the people 
you meet each Sunday.
But a day of reckoning with God
 will happen someday/

"Forgive me Lord. I have sinned!" 
must be spoken.
So every weight and bondage 
can now be broken!

He loves you so much and desires 
to make you whole!
By his blood... your sins can
 be as white as snow!

When God's judgement comes... 
You needn't be ashamed.
Reach out to him now...
 and call on his name!

By Jim Pemberton