The Congregation
He’s in the spark of a sparkle
He’s in the light of the twinkling
In the eyes of those who see
He is better than any dream
He is greater than joy or peace
He is best - when known personally
He’s in the stirring of the spirit
He’s in the inkling that appears
To the heart who knows His love
Is beyond hopeful or inspiring
It is a love that forever abides within
Never allowing the darkness to get in
He’s in the whisper of a breath
He’s in the kiss of a song He has blessed
He’s in the colors of autumn and spring
He is alive – bringing hope, bringing peace
He is the Son who knows everything
He gives to the ones who know He is KING
He’s in the smile of a little girl
He’s in the light of the SON’s glow
He’s in the stars and He’s in the soul
He knows all our thoughts – every opinion
And He blesses those He knows…
As His people, His children, the ones who believe
He is the Savior, the Redeemer…
The Light of the world, the hope of every believer
He’s grace – He’s goodness
He is the silence that assures you
He’s the music in the rain, the healing of the pain
The wisdom in the truth, the faith that is pure
He’s the dream who always knows…
The dream is more than just a possibility
The dream is the promise He gives to each follower
He is the dream and He is the promise
He is the One who makes every life worthwhile
He’s my maker and He’s my Savior
He’s my hope and He’s my answer
He’s my reason – in every season
He is the One who assures my heart
There is love – there is hope
And there is ONE who is alive and provides
The gift of a home in a place we are known
As the children of God, the congregation of love!