Love Poem: The Conquest, the Battle, the Fall
Beth Bresnahan Avatar
Written by: Beth Bresnahan

The Conquest, the Battle, the Fall

(Title tentative)

The gate was lowered, the path laid before her
But the journey would not be a simple task
Traps had been laid, tests waited at every turn
Each step would be perioulous, so little to ask

The heart was at stake and the price would be high
And all it would take is a little sacrifice 
It was thrilling to watch as she passed each hurdle
She knew what she wanted was well worth the price

Victory! Hurrah! The sacred heart had been won
Time to revel in the love being rained from above
Each day passed in bliss, each moment divine
Songs would be written of this enduring love

The honeymoon period was brief, I'm afraid
And darkness hovered about the happy pair
Jealousy was playing it's ugly little game 
Suspicion floated full and thick in the air

Possessive souls, these two lovers were
Passions would flare and anger would boil
Emotions rising and threatening to spill
The differences mixing like water and oil

Years would pass as the battle raged 
Neither one yeilding or ending the fight
It still goes on, to this very day
Both battling for what they believe is right

The lovers have tried to go seperate ways
It never succeeds except to cause pain
Each one has realized, there is no way out
Too much would be lost, with nothing to gain