Love Poem: The contradiction of feelings!!
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Written by: Moni Srinivas

The contradiction of feelings!!

Yeah, I don't like you! 
Is that why I help you with your assignments? 
Yeah, I don't like you! 
Is that why I get mad over you for silly reasons? 
Yeah, I don't like you! 
Is that why I want to bully you and enjoy it? 
Yeah, I don't like you! 
Is that why I get possessive when you have a conversation with others?
Yeah, I don't like you! 
Is that why your sadness makes me sad? 
Yeah, I don't like you!
Is that why your happiness makes me happy?
Yeah, I don't like you! 
Is that why I feel happy when you approach me?
Yeah, I don't like you! 
Is that why I always want to be there for u?
Now let me ask you
Do I really don't like you?