Love Poem: The Corinthian Ode 13:13
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Written by: Ralph Sergi

The Corinthian Ode 13:13

The Corinthian Ode 13:13

To have the gift of language skills
And speak the words of every land
But lack the gift that’s given free
It’s as a cymbal clanging shrill
To not possess the gift of Love

And prophesize all mysteries
Or move a mountain with my faith
Relieve my tenure to the poor
I know not what will profit me
To not possess the gift of Love

For love is patient, love is kind
It does not brag nor is it proud
It angers not nor questions wrongs
Truth is sought and evil spurned
For Love is always their to win

With faith and hope, Love always guards
Someday these gifts will pass away
But Love is always hear to stay
As I child I played with toys
And then one day discarded them

My mirrowed gaze is vague to me
The image of my God is blurred
But someday his face will be clear
faith, Hope and Love will remain
But the greatest of these is Love
Based on Corinthians 13:13

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November 1, 2016