The Cotton Ball
We were newlyweds married for only a week,
On our way to Houston, with our love at its peak.
On the way we stopped on the side of the road,
He had spied a cotton field and stopped with our full carload.
My husband said, “Go pick us a cotton ball to remember this day.”
So I picked the cotton ball in the field and we went on our way.
That ball of cotton was on our Christmas tree every year for 30 years,
Through the good times, the bad times, and some tears.
After the divorce I came across the cotton ball in my things,
A symbol of a love now gone, like my wedding ring.
What do you do with a cotton ball that epitomized our bliss?
With a sigh and a tear I tossed it … moving on, and did not reminisce.
Contest No 210 Any Form-Any Theme With Max 12 Lines
Sponsor: Brian Strand
Awarded 10th Place