Love Poem: The Crumbling of Ebonies Tower
John Rhinem Avatar
Written by: John Rhinem

The Crumbling of Ebonies Tower

Unable to somehow escape this castle of want

As an apparition endlessly roaming its corridores

From room to room and door to door; up and down its spiral staircase

Looking at the paintings upon the walls, of another era, gone by....

Desperately seeking something inside, of these bolted moments

Trapped within its confines of self imposed?

Fairytales of created desires; born upon the pages

Of the now, once upon a time....

Sitting in front of the Venetian vanities looking glass mirror

Lights aglow and brush in hand

As voices resound all about, within hushed tones

Whispering a myriad of marmoreal; which haunts her past

Eyes penetrating beyond these reflections; caught behind their closing gates

As a hand reaches out amid the darkness

Her once again trance, broken, by its gentle touch....

Rising from her Victorian armchair, to embrace, his offering of love

The prince of longings arrival ~

Adorned in the jewels of promises long ago written

Across the predestined of the parchments, blood red heart

Two souls colliding....

Crossing these barriers; to the always, of meant to be

Holding the magical key, to these chains that had bound her

Within the chambers of the castles walls; which only he, could ever unlock!

Beyond the balcony of never never lands, forbidden forest

Apparitions of dreams once dreamn't; sealed, forever, between the paragraphs....

As upon a white steed they ride, unto the sunrise, of happilies ever after ~

Into the awakened hand of fates, land of the enchanteds, "Love," forevermore!


The crumbling of ebonies tower....