The Dark Knight
Everything was slow and steady
Sure it wasn't rainbows and sunshine
Clearly I was fine with my monotonous life
But then enters the Dark Knight
Did hear about everything going upside down
Ever thought of experiencing, not for sure
But does fate listens to you at all
Cause he unnerved me to the core
Pages turned and so did my life
Something changed but my sanity had died
He who was just a word turned into a whole book
Brought those tingles along with the herd of butterflies
I am wrecked yeah, in hell I know
I am in his clutches now
How sorry I feel for my heart
Cause it's going towards the wrong path
But can I blame it for this happening
For I am equally at fault for it
It's complicated, they used to say
Still I am untangling my way
My mind is bickering for my state
But who am I fooling
When I myself enjoying it's every second...