The Dark Tower
On the wings of fallen angels
We fly above the sinking sun
Towards the tower so dark and so inviting.
Inside the tower we find ourselves alone
And bathed in candlelight.
There's a table with wine, as dark red
As the blood burning in my veins.
We drink, and as we do the sound of
Nightwish fills the room from nowhere.
You in leather and me in velvet.
We drink and dance while the candle's light
Dances over our skin.
As we collapse into a gentle, yet fiery,
Passionate embrace, the candle's flame
Flickers and flares.
Our passion feeds the flame
That gives us our guiding light.
And yet, as you carry me to the bed,
The candle's light grows dim
So as our passion can be our own
And for no one else's prying eyes.
The darkness wraps us in
Its velvety blackness as we fill it
With our desire.