Love Poem: The Darkness Inside Me
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Written by: Anuj Ghimire

The Darkness Inside Me

The darkness inside me conquers my heart as I leap to the moment of truth
Body shivers with a constant fear, not of death but with the fear of losing you
I think of good times we had spent together and it hurts as ill miss all of those
I try to think of bad times so id miss you less but even then I start missing you more
The reason for it you may ask why, why losing you made you cry
I can’t find the answer why, I too want to know but I can’t even try
Just try and think of time we had, sometimes we were happy and more than that we were 
I try to control my emotions, but I fail, and I fail it again
I try to find a cure for my pain, whatever I try it goes in vain
Cant do anything now as we are on two different lanes
I beg my heart to understand that it’s over
But he insists that I won’t lose, it’s now or never
The pain that the heart is holding, and of course he hides
The eyes are shedding it on and on just like the flow of tides
So as the day dawns and I look up to count the days
Heart fills up with coldness along with disappearance of suns rays
Mind begs me to stop this day and never to end
But the heart there is already shattered and can never be mend
Even that day when you’ll leave ill have my heart out to cry
I will smile a face out of somewhere and wish you a warm goodbye.