Love Poem: The Day I Swear I Saw An Angel
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Written by: Tim Smith

The Day I Swear I Saw An Angel

Pebbles plucked from the sole of my foot driven deep into wounds cut from a path a path leading me to nowhere trying to escape troubles quell worries worries that haunt shamelessly searching for answers to life's questions I come upon a seaside café thirsting I make my way to a corner table the room dimly lit but I can feel I feel the gentle touch of a woman overcome me I taste the sea's salty kiss upon my lips blowing in through the white laced drapery adorning the arched window holding at bay the hot September sun as I await for my glass of Mondavi red a trio softly plays a heavenly tune the sounds of the violin sooth my shattered soul to sleep. Two, three, five, maybe more glasses and I meander my way out to the pearl white beach in hopes of catching a glimpse of her beauty one last wink of her eye before she gives way to a darkened sky Staring off out to the East... was I supposed to look West... I long for one last glimpse one last kiss upon my cheek When suddenly before me She appears how could I ever forget those almond eyes so soft and dripping out that little killer smile...almost grabbed my heart ruby red lips an olive glow of heaven, she came. I know speaking of stories and sharing mysteries how she grabbed my arm and couldn't let go we splashed through the surf we could have been the last two left on earth how the skies sparkled how we danced for what seemed like eternity I laid down and she said goodnight Now as I wake with a beaten red face the sun standing high breathing fire down upon me I wonder was it all just a dream or a special memory