The Day That Buster Came To Stay
(The Beginning)
Many, many years ago – when I was only ten,
Times were so much happier - life was simpler then,
No problems met with me each day
My role in life was to run and play.
And destiny was just a word
I never used and seldom heard.
My youthful days were never spent
In worry over food or rent.
But fate will always have its say
In all things meant to come our way.
And something lacking in my life
Was often causing major strife.
Loneliness would follow me
Though kids galore were there to be
Playmates during times of need
When something caused my soul to bleed
Then fate employed parental love
And called on heaven up above
To let something play the part
And still the aching in my heart
Well, heaven knew how kids are made
And knew what caused my joy to fade.
So, early on one winter morn
A little spotted pup was born.
He’s grown into a faithful friend
And many joyful hours we spend
Just knowing that the love we share
Whenever needed will be there.
Dogs are of a special breed
And always fill some special need.
I'll cherish always that special day -
The day that Buster came to stay
John Posey 12/04/12