The Death of Colour
Held apart by oceans of black,
This sordid track
That we scrambled across to see if love’s true,
If eyelashes would sink with stars or dew,
Or hearts would burst from passion’s hue.
A rounded tear of violet’s pain,
Held all my disdain
Bottled up under a hooded eye,
A cracked smile smothered a lie,
All this time I’ve been waiting to die…
You forced a consistent frown,
Whilst oblivious in brown,
I was coerced into a summer sea,
So muddily deep you lost the key
To a heart of something as caged as me.
Blinded by a piercing white,
You smiled on, despite
The charcoal letters spitting hate,
Brown so thick you could not sate,
My cracked, uneven, stone wash plate.
And when we met colours did shrink,
For who would ever think
That brown would mix with blue?
And so this greyscale did spew
Across lands, engulfing all hue,
For jaded love would never cause such pain
When instead of colour, lies a hollow drain.