Love Poem: The Death of Love
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Written by: Myq Wudz

The Death of Love

I’m the donkey tied with ropes and 
being sodomised in front of the 
church tree,
While the choir chants praise to the 
god who bled, cried and died for all 
innocent creatures like me.

I’m the roasted torso lying in a 
Reminding the politician whom I 
died voting for,
 That my death wasn’t in vain. 
That, no sir, sometimes pain doesn't 
always translate to gain.

I’m the aborted fetus dancing to 
death’s tune down the drain,
A product of the death of love and 
the glory of lust is all that remains.

I’m the football field turned into a 
bloody battle field, 
When friends turned into foes at the 
face of tribe and politics.

I’m the cart pusher pushing my life 
through an accusing crowd,
A crowd that dismissed my degrees 
as unworthy of a white collar job in 
a glass house.

I’m the virgin vouching my virginity 
for a smartphone,
For that is the closest I’ll ever get to 
see heaven,
In a world where love is for sale, 
And hate is dished out for free 
especially if you're a female.

I’m the coffin lying impatiently 
waiting for your last breath,
For the only certain path for every 
man is death;
Whether rich or poor,
Poet or puppet.

I’m the jobless youth lighting 
bonfires in the city street chanting 
'Haki Yetu' anthem,
Shielding machetes to the system,
The same system that condemns my 
generation of being carefree,
Yet it’s the same system that raised 

I’m the divorcee stranded at a 
country bus stage with seven kids,
Whose estranged fathers couldn’t 
clothe and feed.

I’m a love letter to an ex-lover,
Gathering dust on the shelves of a 
broken heart.
A reminder of the death of love,
A love gone by,
A love that shouldn’t have died,
A love that could feed starving souls,
A love that could nail a broken door,
A love that could shelter the 
And reward the fearless;
A love that that doesn’t judge,
Condemn or hold a grudge,
A love that money stole from us,
While we were busy searching for 
life’s abstract meaning in the stars.

I'm the death love,
Man has tried to ressurect thro' 
material wishes of things he'll never 
The love they try to define in music 
and art and poetry,
I'm the death of love hidden in 
distorted history,
The Love that is alive in every 
A love that is within us.
A love that lies untouched.
A love that can be awakened,
If we reach deeper within ourselves,
And re-invent; and redeem 
And acknowledge who we really are:

The gods of love.