Love Poem: The Devil / Vampire Heart

The Devil / Vampire Heart

Come to me, my dearest threat!
Join me in my frantic pain!
Let me suckle all the blood
From your veins!
Three days… that’s all it takes
For you to become my 
Eternal groom!
Feel my whisper
In the back of your head!
Take your hand in mine
And we shall vanish 
In the moon light…
We, these lovely
Creatures of the deep…
Of the dark…
Of the pit.
Come to me!
I’ll be your deliverance!
I’ll be your dream
And most cherished 
I’ll embellish you 
With the scent
Of my own blood!
This smeared scarlet
Gift I give you!

Now wait!
Let me smoke 
Just one more moment
From your life!

© 2009 Stefania Carmen Misaila