Love Poem: The Devil Owns a Jukebox
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Written by: Memphis Stacks

The Devil Owns a Jukebox

If Hell makes u relive ur Greatest pain repeatedly
The pain of Lost Love is what mine would be
The Devil keeping only sad love songs on the jukebox
Watermelon Sugar is the beginning of his playlist
The Devil is a cheeky bastard
The silence of the record switching draws her memory
Her voice sounding like echoes in a cave
Bringing her back into my arms
My memory turns it to reality
Her soft lips & cold skin vanish from my embrace
As the next song begins to play
An old black man's blues riff plays like out of the jukebox
Drowning the sound of my heart breaking again and again
Yet, screams of tortured souls who reside here are heard 
The Devil tortures my soul with flashing memories of her face
Going insane with grief and pain losing her over and over
When the next song ends
My hell begins again
The memory of her on the porch glowing in rays of sunshine
Gazing at her neck as she disappears into thin air
The needle sets onto the track of the next record
Leaving my heart in the last memory
The whine of an old steel guitar accompany my sobs
Lonesome Blues strums my heart strings for an eternity
With no end in sight
No comfort is to be found
When the Devil owns a jukebox
He can play whatever song ur heart desires
I will accept my hell
Because it is the only place I will ever be with her again
Even if it ends after every song.