Love Poem: The Devil Take Me
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Written by: Tony Bush

The Devil Take Me

The Devil take me for his very own, 
  And lodge my soul among the living dead, 
And pitch unto the wolves my flesh and bone 
  Until their sated jaws are running red. 
And contrast with his black and seething heart, 
  Compare my testament with saints uncrowned, 
Command the ravens peck my dreams apart, 
  Then buried in unconsecrated ground. 
The Devil take me if I love of lies 
  And split my tongue into a still divide, 
And thrust the pitchfork tines into my eyes 
  If all they see is weak and damaged pride. 
For I hold true in knowing what I say, 
  The honesty of this I see and do, 
And all the fires of Hell won't burn away 
  The sanctity of love I feel for you.