The Devil Within
Should I sell my soul to the devil?
I think I already have
Every word that comes out of my mouth
These past few years
Has been filled with lies.
Am I truly living I think not I sit back,
And let time tick away on the clock.
But all work and no play
Makes Johnny a dull boy
But who am I to define dull?
Who is anyone to define dull at all?
Or small, or people who are tall.
We all say we are a judgement free zone
But judgement plagues and aches are hearts.
If we only look a little closer
Past all our remarks
But on the days we feel blue we act like savages
Who are we to judge love?
When love also judges us
Love, is such a bust
A sham,
A myth,
I wish love didn't exist!
And on the days my heart feels cold and used
I find that those are the days I catch myself thinking about you
And all our broken hearts
I shall never believe in love again
Because it always falls apart