Love Poem: The Devils Tree
Breanna Royale  Avatar
Written by: Breanna Royale

The Devils Tree

I’m in love how we sit and talk of all the things in my heart. 

I love when we’re smoking a devils tree and everything just becomes much more easy. 

I love when we’re in the clouds and your touch is the only the thing that gives me feeling .

the feeling of being loved and being cared for is what I’m craving
they say a little passion goes along way however my passion for your love has gone way longer.

I can’t seem to understand what’s keeping me hanging 

The feeling of looking into your eyes just to realize that I’m the peace of mind that you’re needing

Or it when we’re around each other and nothing else matters than the fact of joy and excitement we get from each other

Or it’s our bodies craving each other soul for love that’s so unknown trying to fulfill the unseen desires

See now, society calls us toxic, but baby, the love and understanding is the only thing I recognize not wanting to tell the same story again not to jeopardize the vexing love I so strangely don’t want to let go of 

See maybe it’s the mind that’s making me want all your time, imagining you just being all mine but maybe it’s a sign because I was so blind by the fact that you were so fine that I couldn’t see you’ve wasting all my time. wanting more memories just to memorize the pureness of our relentless soul tie that we was too young to recognize.