The Dissected Heart
The dreaming self of mine, coagulate
to form an image purely supreme
to intermingle all my mellow thoughts
and create a thing above all.
The senses are most absorbing
and are getting each thing perfect
blending each thing to their mighty core
and carve a sculpture, fanciful.
A tomb in my heart is build
of my ceremonious antique vows
which were once my delight
but now alas time has decayed.
The sensitivity, the perseverance
spended in pain and in real vain
fled, had been each genial thought
and life decays with time.
Relished hardships too once
but o, life how unessential
i have become,to pine
at most deserving thought.
The visionary gleam of my heart
fading fast as scarce flowers
and the things which use to charm me otherwise
are now but quartz to me.
The delicate heart of mine
to marble has turned
contrasted equally as if hell to heaven
or heaven to hell has turned.
My deceiving beauty, my heart
Has cheated me throughout
And conjures me glance into visions
Which could never had been achieved.
But hope has restored and recreated
a heart which was fleeing fast
and occupies a narrow bridge
on which life swings.
Let not the light of hope fickle
and don't let the sap of mind be parched
admit no'ne in your heart, to flourish
but keep each feeling conserved and coiled.
Juxtaposed liberties are but necessities
and ruffian freedom, none but liability
the soul whose sail eternity drew
will place it nevertheless to the harbor of heaven.